• Cuir faidhle gu Stòrlann

    Send a file to Stòrlann
  • Goireas / Resource

Image: Education - Sharing Network


Tha goireas aig Stòrlann a-nis a leigeas le luchd-cleachdaidh stuthan a tha iad fhèin air ullachadh a luchdachadh suas gu stòr susbaint didseatach.

Aon uair ’s gun tèid na stuthan a luchdachadh suas, nì Stòrlann luachadh orra, sgioblachdh a thaobh càileachd agus gràmar, agus eadar-theangachadh ma tha sin a dhìth.

An uair sin bidh na stuthan rim faotainn le tidsearan eile airson an cur gu feum.

Thèid aithne a thoirt don neach bhon tàinig an stòr, ach thèid gabhail ri faidhleachan a thèid a luchdachadh suas air an tuigse nach eil iad fo chòir dlighe-sgrìobhaidh agus gum faodar an co-roinn le daoine eile.

Tha sinn air faidhleachan fhaighinn mu thràth bho thidsearan agus tha sinn gan luachadh airson co-roinn.

Tha sinn an dòchas gun toir sibh taic dhuinn leis an iomairt seo.


Stòrlann now has a facility to enable practitioners to upload resources they have produced themselves to a digital content repository.

Once uploaded, Stòrlann will evaluate the resources, conduct a quality and grammar audit, translate if necessary, and then make the resources available for other teachers to use.

The originator of the resources will be credited but all files uploaded will be accepted on the understanding that they will be copyright free and for distribution to others. We have already received files from some teachers and are in the process of evaluating them for sharing.

We hope that you will support us with this endeavour.